
2020年2月9日,悉尼·斯威尼参加由IMDb、Neuro Drinks和沃尔玛赞助的第28届埃尔顿·约翰艾滋病基金会奥斯卡颁奖典礼观看派对。(摄影:Jemal Countess/Getty Images)

上周,兴奋明星悉尼·斯威尼在推特上疯传——但这是任何人都不想看到的最后一个原因。这位女演员经常为蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的内衣品牌Savage X Fenty做模特,在一系列针对她外貌的推文之后,她开始走红,这些推文取笑她,并暗示由于胸部较小,她可能没有吸引力。

现在,通过任何标准,很难想象一个人会发现任何人会发现明显美丽的女演员没有吸引力,但这就是旁边。以网络欺凌肯定不是一种新的现象 - 不幸的是,自从它成立以来,这是互联网的标志之一。但是,这个特殊情况的值得注意的是,这是最近记忆中最重要的例子之一,名人公开回应仇恨,斯威尼在一个脆弱的地方做了Instagram生活视频分享给她的粉丝。在这段泪流满面的视频中,斯威尼解释道:

所以. .显然我现在在推特上很火,因为我长得丑。实际上我不会这样做,像往常一样,但我认为这是非常重要的对于人们看到单词如何影响人来说,我知道大家都说,“你不能读的东西,你不应该读的东西,“我一个人……我只是坐在这里和我的狗看HGTV穿我。人们在社交媒体上应该友好点,因为这太糟糕了。


每当名人以任何身份回应网上的刻薄或批评时,总会有一种围绕名人的言论,说他们选择当演员或演员时,不知怎么就“注册”了仇恨。有一些真理在那里凭借在公众眼中,你本质上打开自己批评 - 但只是因为人们有机会/能力是可恶的并不意味着他们应该。It’s a frankly mind-boggling lack of empathy that can only be born out of an online culture built around the ability to hide behind a keyboard and not have to face the consequences of one’s actions, but Sweeney’s Instagram live is a bitter reminder that even though we may not see their reactions 100% of the time, celebrities can be and very much are impacted by hurtful words online.


更重要的是,对斯威尼的仇恨不仅仅是普通的网络欺凌。这也凸显了好莱坞对年轻貌美的女性的仇恨和残忍。Syndey Sweeney的名声和成功很大程度上来自于她为Savage x Fenty做模特的工作,她在一场演出中展示和庆祝她的身体。但是,就像业内无数其他女性一样,斯威尼在美丽方面受到了双重标准的束缚,这是不可能的。

她预计将保持身体吸引力和健身程度,因此她可以获得令人幻想的工作,在他们不再被认为“在他​​们的主要价格上,行业中的女性往往会被丢弃。But as the hateful tweets from last week demonstrate, she’s also expected to just smile and take it when she’s denigrated on the basis that her body is, supposedly, her only valuable asset—women in the spotlight are expected to maintain their beauty while also never standing up for themselves when they’re objectified for it. It’s a crushing blow for anybody to be told that they’re “only attractive” because of their body, so that anyone would think that celebrities are expected to handle such criticism differently than the rest of us is upsetting.

Fortunately, though, fans have rallied around Sweeney since the incident—not just dispelling the hate by reinforcing that she is, in fact, beautiful (I’m still trying to wrap my head around someone thinking that she isn’t), but also by lifting her up and celebrating her ability as a talented actress and her integrity as a person. Yes, Sydney Sweeney’s career does consist in large part of modeling, but she should be allowed to celebrate her body without being defined by it. A talented actress with undeniable beauty both inside and out, hopefully Sydney’s Sweeney’s strength and vulnerability in posting her Instagram live in the face of cyberbullying can take us one step closer to ridding the internet of this kind of hateful rhetoric for good.

(图片:jemal countess / getty图像)


- - - - - -玛丽苏有一个严格的评论政策这禁止,但不限于,对任何人仇恨言论和喷子




劳伦·科茨(Lauren Coates)是一名芝加哥电影学院的学生,她喜欢垃圾食品,热爱电影和电视,一直渴望进入迪士尼世界。你可以找到她在Twitter上@laurenjcoates.继续阅读她的作品culturess.