
当拖车是netflix的设置它出来了,互联网是Abuzz:令人愉快的夏天Rom-Com,我们可以看露西刘和Taye Diggs聚在一起?我们需要什么比这更需要吗?

这部电影今天出现在流媒体渠道上,它很令人愉快。设置它是有趣,迷人,可爱的,以任何体面的浪漫喜剧应该是。与此同时,它很新鲜,自我意识到,没有任何感觉回收。我与生产者朱丽叶伯曼和导演Claire Scanlon发表了谈话设置它创造可关联的人物,现实公寓,以及Lucy Liu的完美铸造,作为一个艰难的运动记者。(一些报价已经编辑了长度。)

设置它在20多岁时,哈珀(Zoey Dechery)和查理(Glen Powell)的两个过度劳累助手遵循,他试图建立他们的老板Kirsten(Lucy Liu)和Rick(Taye Diggs),希望让自己更加休息。通过他们的搭兵,包括试图确保捕获的电梯相遇可爱,代表他们的老板送礼,这两个工程师也是爱情的故事,同时也成为亲密的朋友。



贝尔曼将她的个人经历引入娱乐业的助理作为娱乐业的开端设置它。“助手有点奔跑他们的老板的生活,你甚至不知道你的助手在一天中为你做了什么“,她说:”你只是因为这个人而真实地知道一切有效。但在幕后,他们真的拉着所有的字符串。So I thought, ‘what a funny idea for two assistants to become matchmakers and set up their bosses kind of selfishly.'” When Berman eventually became a producer and her friend Katie Silberman (also an assistant at the time) a screenwriter, they decided to make the film for real. She pitched it to her producing partner Justin Nappi at Treehouse Pictures and they started developing a script.



故事的个人根源以及才华横溢的团队,也许是什么让故事如此可关联。“It’s a movie about people falling in love”, says Berman, “but it’s also about the sacrifices that you have to make to get ahead in your career as a woman and it’s a movie about figuring out what you really want and finding your voice and there’s all these other themes.”

在电影中,哈珀和查理都争取专业目标和个人履行 - 虽然他们的老板不会让事情变得容易,但在电影中很清楚他们都有其他事情要解决。查理似乎正在追逐男性成功的陈规定型形象:美丽的模型女朋友,金钱,状态等,不知道它是否会真正让他开心。哈珀拼命地成为体育记者,而是对失败的巨大恐惧阻碍了她取得任何进展。快乐设置它来自观看这些字符进入Hijinks,也是从如何投入我们的幸福。

两国董事和制作人都强烈地与揭露20宗斗争,但他们也非常注意,以确保挖掘和刘强的老板角色不二维。关于刘的Kirsten,他们希望展示一个特征,他们需要在男性主导的领域中取得成功。“I think about that a lot, especially as a woman in this industry”, says Berman, “because I think there’s a lot of ways, that when you fought really hard to get where we are—as women in entertainment or in any industry—and maybe we have the sense that the people coming up should also have to fight just as hard.” To curb spoilers, Liu’s storyline becomes one that carries a lesson about female mentorship—not necessarily by perfect example, but as an honest one. Liu is, we all agree, incredible and amazing and hilarious.




“我觉得罗马斯说,罗马瀑布落入了一个车辙”。“I feel like people started plugging a formula together and didn’t think about the writing or didn’t think about the characters […] When you have universal issues in your film, it’s very relatable and some of the rom-coms of the aughts forgot about that. They said, ‘Get the guy, get the girl, get them together, they fight, conflict resolved’, but there wasn’t any fleshing out of their world.”

对经典,永恒的rom-com有一个明确的爱设置它。例如,两人都提到他们的爱当哈利遇见莎莉时,当您学习Jane Musky时,这使得这是两部电影的生产设计师。这部电影与Tropes(机场场景,遇见切割,巨大的手势等),但总是明确的是它来自一个爱和幽默的地方。这是Scanlon的功能首次亮相,但导演的工作办公室,牢不可破的Kimmy Schmidt,Glow,Brooklyn Nine-Nine,新鲜的船,和其他电视节目的陈述意味着她在家里创造了这些喜剧情景:

“I feel very at home in that world, so especially when it came to casting, I was like, ‘Yes, these are wonderful people but we need comedy drivers as well.’ So getting Pete Davidson, Meredith Hagner, Jon Rudnitsky, of course, Tituss Burgess who I knew fromki.Mmy Schmidt,leonard ouzts,谁在上没有人的主人。所有这些愿意玩的美妙人,它希望在电影中,我们拥有多大乐趣。


一个新鲜的rom-com的渴望,进一步推动了太久了单个Chrissy Teigen推文,团队与受众共享的东西。“I mean, when I go on Netflix, most of the time I’m looking to watch a big 90s rom-com because there just aren’t enough movies today being made like that”, says Berman, “Some of my favorite movies are哈利遇见了莎莉要么诺丁山要么如何在10天内失去一个人,我认为凯蒂和我只是在我们生命中渴望那些电影的事实,这就告诉了我们这个项目的发展。“



“我们想让[纽约]看起来很大,美丽,但我们也想让它看起来真实,”贝尔曼“和我们的最大事情之一是确保公寓觉得人们居住的真实公寓。I mean, it was incredibly annoying to shoot in tiny spaces, but we didn’t want it to feel like a big set or like, ‘Oh, yeah. Apartment assistant-making-whatever-a-year. There’s no way I could afford that beautiful huge loft with all the windows and the light and the blah-blah-blah.’ I think you see in a lot of movies that glamorize New York. So we really wanted to make people feel, ‘Oh, there is all this beautiful stuff out there—there’s Bryant Park, there’s the High Line, there’s all this’ but also we wanted to be realistic in terms of where people live.”







