
zoùquinn和anita sarkeesian在新书中对抗父权制

Qoëquinn(谁在Gamergate的震中)和anita sarkeesian(被吸入它的距离的痛苦)已经处理了很多热的垃圾,在互联网(和irl)上的性别分歧者手中,其“解决方案”给女性在线空间中的声音是骚扰和虐待。他们每个人都有权抱怨和生气。相反,他们正在利用他们的经验来燃料,使其成为其他女性的焦点。

zoùquinn的新书,崩溃覆盖那is in part a memoir about her life, the events leading up to GamerGate, and what happened to her during the worst of August 2014. However, as Polygon put it in a recent profile on her, “Quinn’s book is not the story of a victim. It’s the story of a fighter…In the years since GamerGate, she’s helped others who face online abuse. She fought in the courts, alongside politicians, in the media and even at the United Nations. This book is another moment in her fight, an opportunity to speak truth to her tormentors, and to the powers that enabled GamerGate and continue to enable online hate campaigns.”





与此同时,Anita Sarkeesian正在展出的新书,历史与女性,完全致力于其他女性。具体而言,它致力于女性的故事,而他们在历史上发挥着重要作用的同时,在很大程度上被忽略了。非常符合女权主义频率的视频系列的精神,普通女性:敢于无视历史历史与女性在整个历史中讲述了二十五个惊人,辉煌,兴趣和兴趣的故事。

事实上,布莱西安创造本书的最大问题之一是缩小惊人的。如喧嚣所报道那the book’s writers had “to be quite mercenary when it came to determining who was going to be in” the book, according to Sarkeesian, who says “[i]t really hurt to leave out the fiery, unapologetic Emma Goldman, who never ceased advocating for complete social revolution.” Sarkeesian also laments having to exclude Mary Bowser, an escaped slave-turned-Union spy, whose story has recently been fictionalized by Lois Leveen as玛丽鲍尔的秘密。“但是,那些特色的女性同样令人惊叹。

Sarkeesian告诉喧嚣,捕捉忽视妇女的故事现在正在做出惊人的事情,在他们的故事失去历史之前。她提供了一名女性的候选名单,我们应该在今天留意,如黑人生命物质创始人艾莉娅加拉,帕特里克斯和蛋白石Tometi;或艺术家Kara Walker和Judy Baca;或原来的“交叉”女性主义金伯伦·威廉姆斯Crenshaw。


It’s amazing to see how both Quinn and Sarkeesian have taken the things they’ve been through and turned them into energy to be of service to others, taking what started out as simply being interested in video games and the internet while female and turning it into a life’s work. I’m looking forward to reading both of these.







