


这是一年中的那一年,国家电影登记处为国会图书馆增加了25部电影。今年的归档包括经典电影,令人惊讶地没有被选择,如橙色发条橙色润滑脂,现代经典喜欢受伤的储物柜黑暗骑士, 和更多。但是,特别是互联网的注意力,并且在某些情况下,混淆:2001年史莱克


Nowadays, however, it’s mainly seen as a weird internet meme from the zillennials who grew up with the franchise who, in hindsight, can’t quite grasp whether or not this flipped-around fairytale gone wild—featuring a police-style interrogation of a sentient gingerbread cookie, a romance between a donkey and a dragon, and a dating game show hosted by a magic mirror (and that’s just the first movie)—a was a real franchise or just a collective fever dream for those of us on the cusp between Gens Y and Z.

史莱克在流行文化世界中的遗产远远超过几个互联网笑话,电影实际上是NFR的质量选择。The chosen films are considered “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” enough to be preserved for future generations, and I can’t think of an animated movie that has had more influence on animated film this century—particularly on the juggernaut that is Disney—than史莱克

To explain this, I’m going to need to give you a little history lesson: During the 1980s and ’90s, Jeffrey Katzenberg was in charge of Disney’s film division and played a big part in turning it around from its “dark age” to the era widely known as the Disney Renaissance, with a streak of animated hit movies like小美人鱼美女和野兽, 和阿拉丁。但结束了他在他的立场迈克尔·埃斯纳之间成为了一个崩溃,他于1994年结束了(和起诉)公司。

Katzenberg然后继续共同找到Dreamworks Skg(首字母缩略词,参考Steven Spielberg,Katzenberg和David Geffen),并运行新的Studio的动画部门。他很快就接受了一个球场,适应William Steig的1990年图片史莱克(是的,这是一本书先!),最终成为与他以前的工作场所播出挫折的完美车辆。

一些挖掘是显而易见的 - 就像“这是一个小世界”模仿,菲奥娜在电影结束时转化为食人魔的方式非常紧密地称为野兽在迪士尼结束时变成了人类的方式美女和野兽当其他人都更加隐蔽,除非你看起来,除非是恶棍如何听起来如何危险地接近与字母F的某种侮辱,却对帕茨伯格在迪士尼的前老板带来了惊人的相似之处。但很明显世界的史莱克旨在成为迪士尼的“魔法王国”的对抗。



史莱克最终出现在完美的时间;by 2001, Disney’s Renaissance period had come to an end, and audiences were just fatigued enough of the typical musical coming-of-age romance story Disney was so famous for to be able to appreciate a movie that parodied the genre and knocked it down a few pegs in a way that Disney seemed to think they were “above” doing. Not only that, but its use of modern language and sensibilities (and, yes, some humor that was much more crude than was typical of animated family films at the time) resonated with audiences so much that they became a trademark of DreamWorks movies going forward.

梦工厂划伤了迪斯尼不能的痒。While Disney was so conscious about its own image and its mission to bring audiences into a whimsical world of, as they often put it, “magic” and “dreams,” DreamWorks wasn’t afraid to get down on the audience’s level with winks at the audience’s expectations and humor geared more towards adults. (Also, dance parties. So. Many. Dance parties.) And that’s exactly why DreamWorks beat out Walt Disney Animation at the box office more often than not in the 2000’s.

最终,迪士尼开始洞穴。他们切换到完全3D动画的戏剧板岩。他们把拖把式幽默和edgier笑话放入他们的电影中。他们开始嘲笑自己,以至于它是他们现在的签名事物之一。没有史莱克它的续集,我们不会得到安娜的实现真正意味着什么冻结,毛伊岛的“公主”笑话莫纳或者是终极迪士尼公主交叉拉尔夫打破了互联网,这让女士们教导Vanellope成为公主和团队的意义复仇者- 拯救“需要救援的一个强大的人”(后者完全已经完成了十年史莱克第三)。



史莱克不仅破坏了童话育和家庭电影制作的所有规则,而且它重新定义了它们。I’d say that’s more than enough for it to be considered “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” enough for the National Film Registry, hitting two out of three of the options (the animation itself admittedly doesn’t quite hold up nowadays, and it didn’t come out quite soon enough for it to truly be a significant moment in that respect).史莱克绝对是一个奇怪的,愚蠢的,模因的特许经营权,但今天我要去有一些庆祝的华夫饼来认可它在电影院的影响力。





