
Cate Blanchett作为Phyllis Schlaffly

当我听到FX的新有限系列的概念时美国夫人,我没有出售。为什么我想对Phyllis Schlafly观看任何东西,那个成为国家图标的女性,反对我个人相信的一切?当然,该系列不仅仅是她的故事;它告诉整个推动和最终失败的平等权利修正案,但......呃。phyllis schlafly ???


九集系列的前三集,它在Hulu昨天开始播放流动(这只是一个奇特的方式说“Hulu”),这太好了,我无法停止观看。该系列的每一集都集中在妇女解放的竞争运动中的不同女性 - 由Schlafly组织的女性,他认为“解放”作为威胁。每一集都描绘了这些许多女性作为复杂和缺陷,照亮了历史上的一刻。

The first episode is Schlafly’s, which would seem problematic, but to tell this story, it is essential to examine the viewpoint of the “villains”–women who were against the ERA, and what the thinking was for these women that stood against something that seemed so logical and beneficial for them. The series does this, interestingly, by showing how the sexism of the era affects Schlafly personally. “Phyllis” opens with Schlafly being paraded around in a bikini at a political fundraiser, and shows the ways that she, a well-educated and whip-smart woman, is ignored, objectified, and even exploited. And it led her down the worst possible path: instead of seeing what she experienced as something she should stop, she decided she would exploit it, and the fears of other women, for her own gain. By suggesting some empathy for Schlafly, it makes her own lack of empathy for other women all the more tragic.


表明,施莱利地看到了作为一个人可以产生真正影响的地点,在那里她可以统治和控制其他女性,因此得到一些力量。Blanchett是,不想满意,辉煌的女人是一个完全错误的道路的女人。你看到了她的朋友中真正的恐惧以及错误信息,人格和力量的影响。We see her start to lose whatever humanity she had in this fight, very pointedly, just from episode one, when Schlafly is shown at first as a kind family member who assures her sister-in-law, Eleanor (Jean Tripplehorn) that there’s nothing wrong with being 40 and single … and then uses that same status as an insult to Gloria Steinem.

这个展会上的女性从恐惧和挫折的地方起作用,一些明显比其他人更有效 - 对离婚或经济不稳定或缺乏选择的恐惧。该系列还在核攻击威胁和越南战争的迫在眉睫的威胁方面,在历史上的更大背景下放置了佐贺。和美国夫人引入许多我知道的复杂角色将被探索更多。Sarah Paulson的角色,爱丽丝,是一个我迫不及待地想看到系列挖掘进入即将到来的剧集,并看到她从一个害怕的庇护的家庭制造商那里搬家,他们想要让她的女儿被起草出来的东西。

Phyllis'的故事只是拼图的一片。第二集是“格洛丽亚”,它描绘了一个同样复杂的,但也更加同情,Gloria Steinem的图片完美地通过Rose Byrne扮演,以及她在妇女运动中的角色和推动堕胎权。But it’s the third episode, “Shirley,” that is by far the most relevant and powerful, as it digs into Shirley Chisolm’s (Uzo Aduba) run for president and the heartbreaking reality of politics, power, and privilege in the women’s and civil rights movement.


运动的女性主义方面,同时具有道德高地,并不令人染色,这同样重要的是密切检查反女权主义运动。1972年的乔治麦戈尔戈总统竞选的白人女性的地方,牺牲了Shirley Chisolm的原则和独立性。权衡应该是堕胎权,但它们也失去了。

美国夫人是一个关于权力的系列和女性每天都会让甚至有一点点的小让人。From letting a man get too handsy, to allowing racists into a movement, to forcing the first black woman to run for president to give up and give in, the series shows the awful, messy truth behind often sanitized moments in the history of the women’s movement.

美国夫人不是Phillys Schlafly的荣耀,而是探索她和所有女性在那里的时代,以及他们沿途失去的东西。这是引人注目的,挑衅和出色的制作,我迫不及待地想看到我们在接下来的六集中探索其故事。







Jessica Mason(她/她)是一位位于俄勒冈州波特兰的作家,专注于粉丝,奇怪的代表和电影中的令人惊叹的女性。她是一个训练有素的律师和歌剧歌手以及妈妈和作者。