



这部电影遵循最好的朋友Kamala Khan(Kathreen Khavari)和Doreen Green(Milana Vayntrub),他渴望成为Marvel上尉的超级英雄。但女孩们仍然将他们的权力视为奇迹和松鼠女孩女士,以及对同学和父母的判断。

Kathreen Khavari said of playing Kamala Khan, “It’s a huge honor to be able to do this, because I think it’s been a long time coming, I think it shouldn’t have taken this long, and I didn’t have that growing up, so it’s wonderful to see that, to be a part of influencing a whole generation to see superheroes as not just boys and men…there are female superheroes…that to me is a responsibility, but it’s the best responsibility I could ever have.”

The story of a young superhero struggling to understand and master their powers is not a new one (we’ve had nearly a dozen Spider-Man films covering this terrain), but seeing two girls (one a woman of color) navigating the experience is refreshingly original. The film is packed with powerful female characters, but the story is centered on the friendship between Kamala and Doreen. Kamala’s hesitancy and reserve make her a great foil for the upbeat and wildly optimistic Doreen.

Milana Vayntrub描述了这种友谊的重要性,称“我是因为我生命中的女性,手下来,以及我们花费竞争和比较的任何时候都不只有浪费的时间,所以我希望他们感觉到那个姐妹岁并从中生长。“

这部电影不会害羞地远离成熟的主题,利用对不人道的歧视作为偏见的隐喻。虽然追逐了Pyrokinetic Teen Dante(Tyler Posey),英雄辩论了不人道的威胁,这驾驶了不人道Kamala和Doreen之间的楔子。所有的英雄秘密战士一旦在帕弗尔队长(Kim Raver)的指导下,一旦他们合作,就遭受其他和异化的感受,而且互相创造一个发现的家庭。

这里有很多东西,特别是在故事中的女英雄的居中。Sana Amanat, the VP of content and character development at Marvel and executive producer of the film, said of the project, “I started out as a comic book editor, and I’ve seen such an evolution of women coming into comics, girls coming into comics with such fantastic female heroes, and we (Marvel) have always had such fantastic female heroes, and these are the ones that people just wanted more content for, and we got lucky enough, Marvel let us take these characters into the next phase. People have been waiting for this for quite some time.”







