
Kate Beckinsale分享了Harvey Weinstein的可怕故事,称她为“C * NT”而不是穿着衣服


不言而喻,哈维韦恩斯坦是一个怪物。The convicted rapist has left a trail of traumatized women that is vast, and despite this judicial justice, the emotional damage has also been done, and it’ll be a long time before we, as a society, can do the reparative justice that is necessary. The damage wasn’t just rape, but also emotional, as actress Kate Beckinsale further highlighted in an Instagram post following the conviction.


这些照片于2001年10月5日在Serenipity中拍摄。我们都拒绝去,因为在9/11之后持有首映几个星期,城市仍然吸烟感觉就像是最不敏感的,音调聋人,不尊重的想法可能。但哈维坚持不懈。我们飞进纽约,不知何故通过它。第二天早上哈维叫我,问我是否想把我不到两岁的女儿带到他的房子,为他的类似年迈的女儿播放,我说好。我出现了,他立即呼吁他的保姆将婴儿带到另一个房间玩。我和他们一起去,他说“不,你在这里等。”门闭上的分钟他开始尖叫“你愚蠢的他妈的屄,你嘲笑你毁了我的首映。”我不知道他在谈论什么并开始摇晃。他说,“如果我扔了一个红色的地毯,你拿着一件紧绷的衣服,你摇动你的屁股你摇动你的乳房你不会下降它看起来像他妈的女同性恋你愚蠢的他妈的屄。“震惊让我泪流满面。我试图说“哈维,这个城市着火了,人们仍在寻找他们的亲戚,我们甚至认为首屈一指的是少得多的衣服就像这是一个单身汉。” He said,”I don’t care -it’s my fucking premiere and if I want pussy on the red carpet that’s what I get”.Screaming. Livid. I managed to get myself and my child out of there and yes that was one of many experiences I had that there was no recourse for,and falls under no felony.But I WAS punished for it, and for other instances where I said no to him for years,insidiously and seeming irreversibly. Hearing that he has gone to prison for 23 years is a huge relief to me on behalf of all the women he sexually assaulted or raped, and I hope will be a deterrent to that sort of behavior in this and any other industry. Having said that,the crimes that are not crimes,the inhumane bullying and sick covert abuse for which there is STILL no recourse no matter who you tell(and I did tell),these too need to go.I hope and pray that we as an industry can start to actually outlaw all abuses of power and expose them and eliminate them, for all genders,forever.And Rose,brava ❤













公主(她/她 - 双性恋)是一位布鲁克林出生的梅根福克斯经车,他在科幻/幻想中喜欢水手月球,神话和多样性。仍然在布鲁克林和她的500多个神奇宝贝一起生活,她有eevee训练成一个强大的军队。Zutara团队永远。