
Frankie Shaw地址Smilf.在弱势陈述中进行的不当行为指控


我们以前覆盖过指控和新闻Smilf.Creator Frankie Shaw正在调查“辱骂行为和行业规则”。现在邵氏在接受NBC的采访时发表了关于这一点今天与Kathie Lee和Hoda。

Sadly, it was only briefly, but she did address the allegations, saying: “This is my first time doing this job and we moved fast, and I was learning on the go and I’m just really grateful that I can take these lessons of being a more aware and in-tune showrunner moving forward.”


“[…] according to sources, Rosie O’Donnell, who plays the character if Tutu on the show, contacted Showtime executive Amy Israel as well as executive producer Scott King, in order “to express concern about a chaotic and troubled set” especially due to, allegedly, “Shaw’s treatment of fellow actress Samara Weaving.”


Samara Weaving在她的合同中有一个非裸露的条款,据称Shaw欺负她的爆发。报告的一部分声称,当编织没有关于出现裸体时,“一个令人恼火的肖恩将她拉入拖车,猛拉在她自己的顶部,并要求知道为什么编织在肖恩没有这样的担忧时欺骗裸体问题。(Shaw的律师说,当她吹嘘她的衬衫时,她的乳房没有暴露。)“

Now, I’ve never been a creator or showrunner of a show, but I can imagine that if you are a feminist and want to create a healthy work environment you don’t demand that people who don’t want to appear nude do so (when it’s in their contract that existed when you hired them) and pull off your own top in response, exposed breasts or not. It’s unprofessional at least and sexual harassment at worse. She’s your employee and co-worker, that sort of behavior is unacceptable. Add that to the claims that Shaw kept a segregated writing room, and it’s just not a good look all around.

虽然Rosie O'Donnell现在站在Shaw旁边,但应该指出的是,她是那些引起注意撒玛拉编织的人的人。









公主(她/她 - 双性恋)是一位布鲁克林出生的梅根福克斯经车,他在科幻/幻想中喜欢水手月球,神话和多样性。仍然在布鲁克林和她的500多个神奇宝贝一起生活,她有eevee训练成一个强大的军队。Zutara团队永远。