



“ Rudyard Funn在Piffling岛上经营着葬礼厅。它曾经是唯一的。不再了。”



另一个轴木制大衣转弯是“一个荒谬,毫不费力的迷人男人的原型,他习惯于赢得他遇到的每个人,以至于他完全忽略了我们主角的不满。”正如那里的开场线所说,鲁德亚德(Rudyard)在一个小岛村庄举行了唯一的fun仪馆。这也是一个非常难以置信的糟糕的fun仪馆,人们别无选择,直到埃里克·查普曼(Eric Chapman)涌入城镇以开设一家竞争性业务并立即挖起所有业务。即使是鲁德亚德的姐姐,共同所有人和专业的Embalmer Antigone(他是一个非常高兴的人,扮演了一堆莫斯神经症和贝丝·艾尔(Beth Eyre)的抑制作用)。

And so, the first season follows Rudyard’s attempts to sabotage Chapman’s funeral home, accompanied by the aspiring author (and mouse) Madeleine, while everyone else is too busy being excited about the new growth to Piffling to notice the local grumpy business owner slowly falling apart at the psychological seams. Until, that is, those murders I mentioned before start cropping up.

第一季木制大衣是一部强大的合奏喜剧,每个玩家都为游戏带来了精力。The interplay is strengthened by a more traditional production setup than a lot of podcasts are able to get–the cast gets to read everything through together, and a season is written beforehand and recorded all at once rather than the as-we-go method that’s wound up being germane to the medium. It gives the show the feel of a more traditional radio drama over the course of its eight half hour episodes, and while the climax of the season suffers a little bit from trying to stuff a little too much in at the last moment (a fairly common pitfall for a whodunit), that doesn’t detract from the overall appeal.

当突然对叙事赌注的需求消失了,现状已经改变,但角色保留了基本形状,改变了战术并在新情况下建立了新的策略,而不会失去使该系列可爱的最初动态。The show’s real strength is in the small things: individual verbal tennis matches honed between actors, and sly wordplay that knows the appeal of both being under-the-radar clever and gloriously stupid (an example: a self-help series partially titled “How to strike a happy medium by becoming one yourself”). The show made something of a splash the first time around, including being nominated as one of iTunes’ Best of 2015.

经过一场Kickstarter运动,其中包括一些音频短裤,访问了Piffling周围的各种城镇居民,木制大衣第二季今天开始以“ Piffling Vale的幽灵”开始。虽然查普曼(Chapman)有点过分谨慎,无法假装他可以将死者联系起来,以吸引顾客,但鲁德亚德(Rudyard)没有这样的兼容性。这是一个扎实的赛季揭幕战,在首映式上可以直接跳入闹剧,同时只需要花费最少的时间来重新引入该节目的前提,就可以在首映式上获得一个。

这种熟悉使团队也有很大的空间可以向前延伸。从本赛季的首映式中几乎不可能看出。在第一季结束时,它可能会加倍努力,撤退到更公开的情节语气中,或者专注于角色构建叙事。If nothing else, it seems set to maintain a small story, which I don’t mean as a derogatory descriptor but an indication that it’s found a place to zero in where it can spin stories about small place and small lives, writ large for the individuals who’re living them. Maybe that concept of a mouse working as the biographer is a fitting one after all.



-玛丽·苏(Mary Sue)有严格的评论政策那禁止,但不限于个人侮辱任何人,仇恨言论和拖钓。

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