
每周Shonen Jump主题公园来日本,奥特克斯尖叫着喜悦

放下那些漫画,倾听,动漫粉丝可悲的是生活在世界的西侧!Namco Bandai集团最近宣布了这一点日本将举办主持人每周Shonen Jump.2013年夏天室内主题公园- Avid Otaku的名义Xanadu,包括基于Manga Anthology最受欢迎的特许经营的景点和服装吉祥物:火影忍者龙珠Z, 和一块。为日本购买单向飞机票可能意味着削减你的拉面和过度低估的动漫收藏品预算,但是有机会接受一个装扮成猴子D. Luffy的员工的冷漠的最低工资公园员工将值得这次旅行!

According to the company’s press release, the indoor theme park will be held on the third floor of the Sunshine City World Import Mart in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, much to the chagrin of regular shoppers hoping to have a quiet afternoon browsing stores instead of getting crushed on the escalator by five fat guys dressed as Vegeta.

The park will also boast four areas of interest including the “Hero’s Area,” “Amusement Area,” “Food & Desert Area,” and the one place to blow all your hard-earned in cash in under 10 minutes on “limited edition” items, the “Goods Shop” — because Namco Bandai strongly believes that what you need most in this world is that gold-painted variant of the Piccolo action figure you already own, like, 20 variants of.

现在,我们的日本人留下了很多需要的,但基于上面的主题公园布局,看起来还有其他地区Namco Bandai忽略了。从我们可以讲的那个黄色圈子看起来像一个阶段,奥特卡可以大声朗读他们的100多页的风扇小说。不是那种膨胀吗?

Bandai Namco集团通过漫画联盟,图像通过80nemesis08的)



