
Pete Davidson向国会议员选择了SNL周末更新的Dan Crenshaw道歉


上周周六夜现场在周末更新,Pete Davidson出现在一个细分市场,他取笑共和党候选人的身体外观。One such candidate was Texas’s lieutenant commander Dan Crenshaw who was just elected as the representative for Texas’s 2nd district.

Davidson joked that Crenshaw’s eye patch made him look like “a hitman in a porno movie”, which quickly had people from both sides of the aisle calling out the comedian for mocking the former Navy SEAL who lost his right eye in an IED explosion in Afghanistan. Last night, Crenshaw made a surprise appearance on the show alongside Davidson, who apologized for his comments.

戴维森说,“男人是战争英雄,他应该得到世界各地的尊重。如果有任何好处来了,也许这是左边有一天,右边终于聚集在一起,同意某事 - 我是一个鸡巴。“

在《周六夜现场》节目中,克伦肖调侃了戴维森,先是用爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande)的“呼吸”铃声,然后又说了一些关于戴维森本人的笑话。克伦肖叫了戴维森一声,因为他看起来像是"从绝命毒师是一个人“以及将他与马丁短的角色进行比较圣诞老人3

然后crenshaw认真对待了退伍军人的一天,鼓励观众与退伍军人在生活中共度时光。除了感谢他们的服务之外,Crenshaw说:“但我真的会鼓励你说别的事情。Tell a veteran ‘Never forget.’ When you say ‘never forget’ to a veteran, you are implying that as an American you are in it with them, not separated by some imaginary barrier between civilians and veterans but connected together as grateful fellow Americans who will never forget the sacrifices made by veterans past and present and never forget those we lost on 9/11 — heroes like Pete’s father.”

Crenshaw is one of the 15 veterans elected to the House of Representatives in the midterms, and at 34, he is one of the young rising stars of the republican party.在一个档案在华盛顿邮报,Crenshaw解决了2015年Facebook帖子,他叫做唐纳德特朗普“一个白痴”,并表示他对穆斯林的言论是“疯了”。

现在,国会议员 - 选择对总统及其政府提供更大的外交/可选择的观点,称“他的风格不是我的风格,我只就这么说。从来没有我如何行动。但华盛顿邮政的读者需要了解的是,保守派可以同时举行多个想法。我们可以就像,“哇他不应该发推文”,仍然支持他。。 . . You can disapprove of what the president says every day, or that day, and still support his broader agenda.”

我们必须等待,看看Crenshaw如何在办公室进行,但共和党仍然姗姗来迟地逾期,以便敦促促使两分的声音,并愿意遍布过大道。即使它只是在Pete Davidson拍打乐趣。






