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Updated from November 2nd.


We’ve been hyping the importance of voting and registering to vote for what feels like forever, and now that the big day is just around the corner (Tuesday, November 6th!), there are a lot of first-time (or even long-time) voters out there who might want some advice regarding how to make the most out of their time at the polls, or even basic knowledge for what comes next. We’ve got you covered.




A number of transportation companies are offering free or discounted rides on Tuesday. Lyft is pairing with Vote Latin and is offering50% off codes and free rides来自农村和服务不足的社区。Uber提供高达10美元的折扣骑车到您的投票地点。踏板车和自行车公司石灰是通过代码为民意调查提供免费游乐设施。另一个很棒的资源是,您可以在调查中要求乘车或自愿成为司机。它到处都不可用,但是如果您需要乘车或有时间和汽车来帮助,请检查一下。


Not in every state! If you can’t make it to the polls on Tuesday, some states offer early voting with cutoffs up to the day before the election, or the option to drop off an absentee ballot in person. Check to see what your state’s early voting options are here, and if you forsee yourself not being able to vote in person in the future, you can在这里要求缺席选票




国家秘书是负责监督选民压制等事情的人。因此,如果这对您和国务卿很重要的问题在您的投票中很重要,请花点时间对自己的选择进行教育。((Note: I originally erroneously listed this job as belonging to the Attorney General. That was incorrect. The Attorney General is the state’s top law enforcement official and lawyer,重要的工作。

Plenty of people also vote down ballot based solely on their party. There’s nothing wrong with checking off every Democrat (in my opinion), but also remember, you don’t lose points or anything for leaving things blank.


您可能已经在邮件中获得了样本投票,也可以在网上找到一个选票,但是Crooked Media的人们在fotesaveamerica.com上汇集了绝对令人难以置信的资源。该网站上有很多很棒的东西(我们将在一分钟内获得更多),但是他们的投票指南是如此有用。在此处输入您的地址它将提出您的样本投票。它将带您完成投票中的每个办公室和问题,以及有关候选人的重要信息,包括经验,教育以及对他们重要的问题。

A heads up that because these guides seem to be put together on a national level, they might miss some of the intricacies of local issues. Missouri, for example, has anincredibly confusing marijuana legalization proposalspread throughout three separate initiatives and VSA seems to have missed just how bizarre and nuanced this is. BUT the site is a great place to start and great resource for making sure you’ve read through everything (in plain language) before walking into the voting booth.



Maybe this is a friend or some super knowledgeable person whose social media accounts you love to lurk on. Or maybe there’s a group like Planned Parenthood or the ACLU whose opinions you value and want to know who and what they support. There are tons of voting endorsement guides out there.

这是一个很棒的投票选票。听起来可能没有最大的帮助,但老实说,只有谷歌搜索[您的县/城市/州] +选民代言人将为当地报纸和特殊利益集团提供大量资源。从那里,您可以选择自己信任的人,并开始构成自己的未来选举资源清单。





  • This isn’t a test. You can bring notes, and even your phone into your voting booth. (Not all states allow you to post pictures from inside a polling place, though, so仔细检查之前发你的投票selfies)。
  • 没有时间限制。是的,线条可能在某些投票的地方很长,但是一旦您在您面前进行选票(带上那些笔记),就可以花所有的时间。
  • 真的很容易。如果这是您第一次投票,您可能会认为您不会知道该怎么做。直到我读到纽约杂志articlegoing around this week about why some young people don’t vote, I didn’t know this might be causing new voters a lot of anxiety. So here’s what will happen: You’ll walk into the polling place you confirmed online, walk up to the first table you see inside. (If that’s not the right table, they’ll redirect you and they’ll probably be really nice about it.) Tell them your name, show an ID if you need to. They’ll give you everything you need–often just a ballot and a pen but different polling place use different technology and the helpful poll workers will tell you exactly how to use it. Voting “booths” these days are usually just tables with mini makeshift cubicle blinders. After you’re done, you’ll take your ballot to the volunteer manning the voting machine, and when they tell you to, you slide your ballot in. Wait for them to tell you it was accepted, and then claim your sticker. That’s it!



如果出于任何原因,如果您被转让您的投票场所,您都有权利!这就是为什么检查您的注册状态和投票地点非常重要的原因。即使您认为自己肯定已注册并且知道要去哪里,也要认真需要一分钟,所以请再次检查。如果由于不活动而被从投票记录中删除(可能会发生)或进入错误的位置,则仍然可以投票。只是request a provisional ballot


顺便说一句,如果行是真的long, there’s a group called披萨进行民意调查那将为选民提供免费的披萨。严重地。

最后,如果您遇到的话,这是要打电话的电话选民压制in any form or anything else you need to report: Call866 our-vote或者将我们的投票发给97779


Now that you’re all set for Tuesday, it’s not too late to volunteer to make a difference in this election, even beyond your individual vote.Vote Save America has a great list从拉票到文本/电话银行,再到如何与您的朋友谈论投票的方法。



-玛丽·苏(Mary Sue)有严格的评论政策that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward任何人,仇恨言论和拖钓。

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跟随玛丽·苏(Mary Sue):

Vivian Kane (she/her) has a lot of opinions about a lot of things. Born in San Francisco and radicalized in Los Angeles, she now lives in Kansas City, Missouri with her husband Brock Wilbur and too many cats.