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Sony Reveals BEYOND: Two Souls Box Art, Captures Our Imaginations


Video game box arttends to be a bland, boring affair. It’s either toned down to meaninglessness to appeal to one demographic or the other, or it looks like it came out of what must have been some kind of artistic fever dream that no longer makes sense to mortals. That’s whythe recently revealed box art for Quantic Dream’sBEYOND: Two Soulsis honestly such a breath of fresh air.

Here’s the whole thing in all its glory:


Sure, the argument can be made that this is just an imitation of a movie poster, and it does look a bit like one, but it’s also out of the ordinary for video games. Female protagonist on the cover? Check. Actors mentioned by name, much like a movie? Check. Neither of these happen very often, or pretty much at all, so it’s nice to see.

BEYOND: Two Soulsis due out in October, but there’s always the chance it could get postponed. At least we’ll have some sweet box art with which to console ourselves.

(viaPlayStation Blog)

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